
Women’s Rights: Breastfeeding In New York

breastfeeding in New York

What are women’s rights when breastfeeding in New York?

According to the New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU), women breastfeeding in New York have certain rights in public and private areas.

From the moment a baby is born in the hospital, women have certain rights. These include the rights to be with your child, learn how to breastfeed, start breastfeeding, learn about formula, and find out about the benefits of breastfeeding.

Can women breastfeed in the workplace in New York?

Nursing mothers have many breastfeeding rights at work. They can choose pump breast milk at work during paid breaks or lunches or they can take unpaid breaks (within reason) for up to 3 years. Women also have the right to ask their employers if they can have a private place where they can pump and the employer must put effort into trying to find one near where the woman works. Employers in New York can’t discriminate against women for pumping breast milk or breastfeeding at work. It is also illegal for employers to discriminate against pregnant women.

Can women breastfeed in public or private places?

Yes, women can breastfeed in any location where they’re allowed to enter. This means that they can breastfeed in a variety of places from doctor’s offices, restaurants, theaters, public parks, malls, grocery stores, or other locations. Additionally, you cannot be told that you must leave a store or any location where you have a right to be because you are breastfeeding a baby. People also cannot tell you to breastfeed in a private location or restroom.

Facing Discrimination?

If an employer refuses to acknowledge  nursing mother’s rights to breastfeeding the workplace, they have options. They can specifically show their employer the specific New York breastfeeding laws or they can file a complaint with the New York State Department of Labor or the New York Civil Liberties Union.

For more information about your particular case, consult with an experienced and qualified New York attorney.

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