ArticlesMedical Malpractice

Common Gynecological Errors That Are Medical Malpractice

gynecological errors

Most women begin seeing a gynecologist in their teens for their annual health exam. Sometimes they visit more than once a year if they need contraceptive, have a specific medical issue such as menstrual cramps, become pregnant, or go through menopause.

Medical malpractice related to women’s health issues is a far too common occurrence. Multiple reports over the years, including one from Harvard Medical School, state that compared to men, women’s pain isn’t taken as seriously by medical professionals. 

This issue can lead to women living with chronic or severe pain for years. Other common issues women face, often due to their health issues not being taken seriously, include misdiagnosis or failure to diagnose. A misdiagnosis or failure to diagnose breast or cervical cancer in a timely manner can often lead to women suffering longer and even dying. This can happen if the doctor, nurse practitioner, or health care provider does not conduct breast examinations, pap smears, mammograms, ultrasounds, or biopsies when they should.

Other major issues include errors during procedures and treatment. An error during a hysterectomy, childbirth, tubal ligation, abortion, surgery, endometriosis treatment and more can lead to permanent life-long injuries.

Contraceptive side effects and issues are also a major health hurdle for many women. Adverse reactions to IUDs, vaginal mesh, birth control pills, and other hormonal treatments have caused permanent injuries in thousands of women and have led multiple major class-action lawsuits with compensation in the millions.

When gynecologists and other women’s health practitioners fail to meet their duty of care and commit medical malpractice, patients can suffer devastating life-long injuries from cancer, infertility, loss of sexual function, debilitating pain from injuries, and more.

Doctors must be held accountable when they provide an unacceptable level of care. To learn more about filing a medical malpractice lawsuit, send us a message.


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